Israel’s Freedom Farm Sanctuary

Photo by Tamar Almog, courtesy of Freedom Farm Sanctuary.

I recently interviewed Adit Romano, co-founder of Freedom Farm the first farm animal sanctuary in Israel. The sanctuary’s educational mission is rooted in a place of non-judgment, love and compassion. Its approach is engaging people across the nation’s political, social, economic and religious boundaries.

Adit Romano is the co-founder of Freedom Farm Sanctuary, the first animal sanctuary in Israel. A vegetarian for 17 years, her unexpected journey to becoming a vegan and starting FFS began after watching a lecture by American activist Gary Yourofsky. The organization has secured land, acquired several animals that were intended for slaughter and attracted 2,000 volunteers and more than 400,000 social media followers. FFS educational mission is rooted in a place of non-judgment, love and compassion. Its approach is engaging people across the nation’s political, social, economic and religious boundaries. (This interview has been condensed and edited and was originally published on the Jewish Food Experience.)
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Purim: Baking and Giving

Vegan Hamantaschen

For Purim, I wanted to share, again, my easy vegan hamantaschen recipe. Besides eating hamantaschen, there’s lots of other food-related activities for the holiday, including giving gift baskets (mishloach manot). I  wanted to share some tips for making healthier and more sustainable mishloach manot. Click below the break to read and share the great Netiya card with tips. The other mitzvah is to support poor people. You can fulfill this great mitzvah by supporting your local food pantry or soup kitchen.

Purim sameach!
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